22 rue du Mont-Blanc CH-1201 Genève


Our dashboards are all tailored to specific business needs. They provide effective tools for managing your operations. With our dedicated dashboard, ensure that you are compliant with personal data management regulations.

All our cockpits

Health and Safety at Work

In the face of increasingly complex business environments and the race for productivity, work-related stress has become widespread over the past decade.

Data protection conformity

For several years, we have witnessed an incredible evolution in the protection of personal data…

Data Governance

A few years ago, most of us did not know terms like “Artificial Intelligence”, “big data”, the “Internet of Things” or even the “cloud”. Now, things are changing at a speed that surpasses our ability to learn and understand…

Digital Resilience – DORA

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) applies to the financial sector of the European Union. But in a world that is transforming digitally and where threats/risks are evolving more and more quickly, the subject of operational resilience affects all sectors of activity…

Supplier Risk Management

Suppliers are potential critical stakeholders. With new regulations, rising cyber threats, and an increased reliance on outsourcing business activities to third parties, it’s critical for organizations to implement a third-party risk management (TPRM) program that is efficient…

Digital Resilience – NIS

The European NIS2 directive, which entered into force on January 16, 2023, must be transposed by each EU member state, no later than October 2024…

Project Portfolio Management and PMO

In medium and large organizations, there can be hundreds or even thousands of projects. Each being different (size, type, schedule, criticality, etc.), it is difficult to obtain a concentrated vision of their state of health, whether from the angle of the project deliverable or from the angle of respect for the process quality…

Social and Environmental Responsibility

A growing number of organizations are recognizing the opportunity for long-term success that results from an effective environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy…

Supplier Risk Management – ISAE 3402

Due to the crisis of confidence which is disrupting the economic system and the increase in business outsourcing, the development of quality insurance reports and audit has grown steadily in recent years. It therefore becomes crucial for companies that outsource, to constantly ensure the reliability of their providers…

IT Function Management

IT is at the heart of digital transformation. Our dedicated cockpit that provides an insight of the IT status at a glance has been designed to support IT Manager in their day to day management…

Operational Risk Management

The definition of operational risks covers both human errors and information system failures, fraud and malfeasance, human resources management problems, commercial disputes, accidents, and so on. It is now necessary to provide companies, and banks in particular, with a digital solution to prevent and manage operational risks…

Airport quality and compliance management

Many airports use Excel spreadsheets to manage their audits and inspections (TSA, CATSA, IACI, European Commission Regulation, BCAS, BCAS, internal testing)…

Airport Security Management

The mission of airport’s IT managers is to provide the best services to their customers, to provide innovative and effective solutions, to create long-term IT strategies while managing the daily hazards of cyber attacks, for example, or A-CDM solution…

Economic Performance Management

The economic performance of a company is measured by assessing its success in areas related to its assets, liabilities and overall market strength. Many business owners regularly review, on a formal or less formal basis, the overall economic performance of their business to ensure that it remains on the right track financially…

Social performance

Did you know that it takes from 9 months to 2 years for an employee to recover from a burnout? Faced with the complexification of the business environment and the race for productivity, work stress has become widespread over the past 10 years. In Europe, it costs companies more than 20 billion dollars a year…

Airport operations management

Operations managers have many powerful tools for managing flight operations, passenger flow and satisfaction, and baggage routing…

Airport security management

The considerable growth of air transport represents a huge challenge for all the companies involved. Especially since September 11, 2001, security at airports has become a central theme…

Cyber risks

The numbers are alarming. In 2015, every second, 12 people were victims of cybercriminals in the world, according to a Microsoft study…

Compliance Management – ISO 19600

The ISO 19600 standard which describes the implementation of a compliance management system allows you to maintain a culture integrity and compliance and take into account the needs and expectations of stakeholders…

Business Continuity Management – ISO 22301

The ISO 22301 standard is Business Continuity Management (BCM). In the event of a degraded work process, at the level of IT, HR, logistics or suppliers, it constitutes the reference point in terms of good practices…

Cybersecurity Management – NIST

NIST publish many frameworks that can be used to manage varios subject, such as: NIST CSF for Cyber maturity NIST SPF for Privacy maturity NIST SP800-53 for Cyber controls


The primary goal of information security management is to implement appropriate measures to reduce or eliminate the impact and/or probability that threats could have on the organization…

Data Protection Management – ISO/IEC 27001

The ISO / IEC 27001 standard allows organizations to protect their information systems and data by defining the necessary requirements for the implementation of an Information Security Management System (ISMS)…

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