Privacy management

Retour For several years, we have witnessed an incredible evolution in the protection of personal data. The big change came from the EU’s General Data … Continue reading "Privacy management"

Data Governance

Master your data asset and enjoy a collaborative and innovative user interface that allows you to foster data culture within your organization, improve collaboration and … Continue reading "Data Governance"

Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

Ensure the reliability of the resilience of your organization.

Suppliers Management

Ensure that suppliers are monitored over time and to assess, among other things, their level of risk, quality and compliance.

Internal Control System (ICS)

The implementation of an internal control system (ICS) for companies are simple steps to implement and control thanks to the software developed by smartcockpit to … Continue reading "Internal Control System (ICS)"


Obtain an assurance as to the compliance of your organization.

Project portfolio health management

Improve the efficiency of your organization with a dynamic and complete 360° vision of the health of your programs / projects

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

Master your organization’s ESG approach.

ISAE 3402

Obtain an assurance as to the reliability of the internal control system for your services.

Quality and compliance management

The ISO 9001 or AQAP 2110 standard and the implementation of an internal control system (ICS) for companies are simple procedures to implement and control. … Continue reading "Quality and compliance management"

IT Management

Our IT Management cockpit allows IT managers to visualize and manage all their projects and activities, and thus ensure that they are under control.

Operational risks

As intrinsic components of the banking business in particular, operational risk management is a concern of every company or organization.

Economic performance

This cockpit responds to the needs of management and structuring of the economic activities of companies that wish to sustain their business and increase their … Continue reading "Economic performance"

Social performance

Controlling stress at work is today a determining factor of productivity for a company. Our cockpit has been designed to increase your social performance while … Continue reading "Social performance"

Airport security management

The indispensable tool for airport security managers to ensure that the 4 billion passengers traveling by air each year around the world travel safely.

Cyber risks

In the face of growing cyber threats, companies and organizations are increasingly concerned about setting up a cyber risk management monitoring system. smartcockpit helps them … Continue reading "Cyber risks"

Compliance management system – ISO 19600

A good reading and a wise management of the ISO 19600 standard concerning the implementation of a compliance management system contributes to the optimization of … Continue reading "Compliance management system – ISO 19600"

ISO 22301

Good reading and sound management of the ISO 22301 standard for business continuity management contributes to the optimization of a company’s governance.

NIST Frameworks

The National Institute of Standards and Technology produces normative systems that allow any business to keep its cyber risks under control. Visualize and optimize them … Continue reading "NIST Frameworks"


An information security management system is only effective if it is scalable. To follow your information security management, Smartcockpit offers you a dedicated cockpit.

ISO/CEI 27001

Compliance with the requirements of the ISO / IEC 2700n standard is a guarantee for companies that want to optimize their cyber governance.