For several years, we have witnessed an incredible evolution in the protection of personal data.

The big change came from the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679, which has been protecting the personal data and privacy of everyone in the European Union since May. 2018. The GDPR aims primarily to give back control to citizens and residents over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment of the EU by unifying regulations within its member states.

Switzerland, as well as many other countries, are revising or have revised their data protection laws, for example the California CCPA, the Brazilian LGPD and the Convention 108+ which already has many signatories.

Our data protection compliance management cockpit provides you with a continuous, multidisciplinary improvement process that will touch on governance, IT, IT security and legal matters, among others.

And this for all types of organizations (commercial companies, NGOs, administrations …), all types of activities (finance and banks, production, services, sales …).

All these new regulations force many organizations to appoint an internal or external DPO (Data Protection Officer) and ensure their compliance by:

• Establishing good governance around data protection
• Keeping a record of processing activities
• Training and raising awareness among its employees
• Aligning its processes to be compliant
• Performing impact analyzes for high risk activities (DPIA)
• Reviewing contracts, agreements and terms and conditions
• Having a process to manage incidents
• And much more…

Our dedicated cockpit allows you to monitor and manage these different activities.

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