22 rue du Mont-Blanc CH-1201 Genève


Drive success and health of your organization

  • Smartcockpit exists because organizations focus too much on getting detailed information and not enough on improving the ways in which decisions are made.
    • An excess of unstructured and unfocused information is preventing managers from having a real 360° view of the health of their activities.
    • They have to master their activity using optimized steering practices to ensure business success while preserving long-term value.
    • They need to be able to focus on urgent as well as important and strategic matters impacting the company, being performance, risks, compliance or other topics.
  • Smartcockpit accompanies you on the transformation journey to better control, operational resilience and managerial capacity of your organization.
    • We support companies in simplifying the information and integrating better performing managing platforms.
    • We help management teams rethink their decision process to improve their performance and manage their governance.

Smartcockpit’s ambition is to support leaders and their teams in making rapid decisions in a complex and agile environment, and contribute to the emergence of collective intelligence as a new lever in the governance of organisations.

READ: we help managers to quickly assess the health of their business, by providing a synthetic visualization of key informations. The same information can be viewed differently depending on the user’s profile (360° vision).

LEAD: we present the data from all angles (by process, by entity, by employee) to encourage concerted, informed decision-making on the impact on each of the stakeholders. Each piece of information is tracked to monitor and audit the effectiveness of action plans.

smartcockpit® offers a solution that gives decision-makers a 360° overview of the health of the activities they manage.

This vision takes the form of cockpits presenting key information by domain, enabling everyone to focus on what matters, while encouraging collaboration.

These cockpits are pre-formatted and can then be customised to suit the context of each customer.

Developed and hosted in Switzerland, smartcockpit® is a subscription-based solution that can be delivered stand alone, however can also be implemented in connection with other BI solutions.

Observing a situation is not enough: you need to be able to make decisions by implementing actions and ensuring that they have an impact. To this end, Smartcockpit® covers the entire decision-making process in a simple and flexible way.

smartcockpit® helps to reduce the ‘noise’ associated with information overload. Then, you can focus on what needs your attention and make sure things get done at the right time.

On a single screen, factual information is synthetized to foster decision-making in key areas such as performance improvement, project portfolio supervision, risks management, audit, compliance and more.

We link strategy to action: quickly visualize efficiency of tactical or strategic measures and their impact on the organization, enabling to setup corrective actions when necessary, ensure traceability and auditability.