Read and Lead your Enterprise

Our solution stands out for its “read and lead” approach. The combined view of different perspectives (performance, risk, compliance, quality and project) provides a 360° vision of the health of the organization.

Observing a situation is not enough, you must be able to make decisions by implementing actions and ensuring their impact. To this end, smartcockpit® covers the entire decision-making process in a simple and flexible way.

This vision takes the form of cockpits presenting key information by area, allowing everyone to focus on the essentials, while promoting collaboration.

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Discover our solutions

We support our clients towards better control of their activities, allowing them to evaluate and decide more quickly. For this, we have “turnkey” solutions for rapid integration into your daily life.
In view of your operational objectives, you benefit from a range of cockpits which will meet 100% of your needs in your area of ​​expertise:

  • Control of Activities and Governance
  • Resilience and Business Continuity
  • Risk Management and Internal Controls
  • Cybergovernance and Data Protection
  • Management system
  • Project Management

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Master your activities: steer your company's health and success

Integrate your Management, GRC, Quality and PMO approaches into a new generation solution that breaks down silos and transcends collective intelligence.

The smartcockpit approach ensures optimized governance, that risks are minimized and compliance is managed transparently.

Our solution ensures that teams and individuals work according to an efficient, unified and transparent methodology, from strategy to operations.

Start with questions then synthesize, simplify and display only the most essential information to improve the decision-making process.

Information should be visualized as simply as possible and seen from different angles: risks, compliance, project health, performance, quality.

Managers must constantly know and share the situation of their organization while defining and controlling the right actions to improve it.

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Compliance, risk management or performance optimization applies to all business sectors and all types of functions. Our cockpits make it possible to put in place a digital governance that allows you to read and lead your organization.

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