April 24, 2019 par Sylvain Félix

Move to adaptive dashboard: today you’re all wrong!

A must read article from Philippe Nieuwbourg (in French)! Passez aux tableaux de bord adaptifs : aujourd’hui vous avez tout faux !

In two words, being able to have dashboards that allow you to focus on what is going wrong and what need your attention; could be non-performance that are not under control (that no corrective action is taking care of), risks, non-conformities or even action that are not evolving as expected.

For this last point, I often take the exemple of firemens. If there is a fire at the central station, but firemens are there and the fire is Under control, this is not anymore a problem for us at the firemens HQ. But if anything goes wrong – let’s say chief fireman report a new incident, then it is back an issue for us at HQ; we need to decide and act.

This shows the important of being able to integrate informations on the health of the organisation together with ongoing actions.Totally inline with smartcockpit philosophy: read and lead your enterprise !