22 rue du Mont-Blanc CH-1201 Genève

Scorecard is also useful for very small and small businesses: why?

Every company should be aware of the health of their activity, even the smaller ones.

Nowadays, one thing is certain: the environment in which businesses are evolving has never been as uncertain as now. Information flow is always bigger, the course to be steered often changes and understanding where a business should move on to is a tuff thing to achieve successfully. Another thing is sure: small businesses must play wider to survive and are drowned in this big global environment where big players exert their power to maintain their strategy.

This is the reason why very small and small businesses need a strategy too. They can’t work anymore with only their intuition. They need to build a framework, in which they can evolve knowingly. Even small companies have resources’ and costs’ constraints or customer satisfaction to maintain, they must follow a common thread which inform them on their global performance. The strategic vision should not necessarily be formal and explicit, but at least must be shared and communicated along all the organization, no matter how small it is. An inexpensive, scalable and turnkey scorecard or cockpit as we call it, can help you drawing up this.