When taking on a new outsourcing contract, companies that want to manage their SLA are facing many challenges. The first and most important one is the lack of knowledge on what KPIs to choose in order to effectively manage the business and how to setup the relations between many KPIs (main indicators vs. sub-indicators). Companies need to encourage employee to act in line with companies strategic goals. The second main obstacle in introducing an efficient KPI model within the organization is finding the tools that will support management in implementing and on-going management of this area.
SourceOne Advisory is a consulting company specialized in the field of outsourcing, sourcing and procurement processes. SourceOne Advisory supported some most renowned clients in Poland in KPI/SLA management such as T-Mobile, DHL, Polish National Railways, Polish Television. As the CEO, I look for the most pragmatic solutions that will help his clients perform better in a short period. This is why I chose to integrate smartcockpit in our product portfolio. smartcockpit helps thanks to its collaborative aspect and flexibility.
Here are what I believe to be the three key advantages of smartcockpit to manage SLAs:
- One tool for two companies – working as the contract is written, easy to use for all stakeholders
- Quantitative data and context of the data thanks to comments and documents. In case of deviation, the team has access to the explanations
- Action plans: both parties cooperate actively to improve the relationship and manage effectively the contract.
Now, having smartcockpit solution available for Polish clients, we not only create complex SLA/KPI models, but also deliver the tool that will support client in efficient outsourcing contract management.
You may read more on KPI’s related issues on my blog KPI-BLOG in Polish.