22 rue du Mont-Blanc CH-1201 Genève

Data protection conformity

Since 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 has marked a significant milestone in Data Management by safeguarding personal data and privacy for all individuals within the European Union.
Switzerland, along with many other non-EU countries, has also revised its data protection laws (such as California’s CCPA, Brazil’s LGPD, and Convention 108+).
These regulations, which primarily aim to restore control over personal data to citizens and residents while standardizing the regulatory environment, require public and private organizations to undertake substantial efforts to achieve compliance.

Our Data Protection Compliance Management Cockpit offers a comprehensive solution that includes a continuous improvement process, looking after multidisciplinary expertise in governance, IT, cybersecurity, and legal compliance (among others).

Available for all types of organizations (commercial enterprises, NGOs, public administrations) and activities (finance and banking, manufacturing, services, retail), our dedicated cockpit enables you to:

• Sustain governance around data protection
• Maintain a record of processing activities
• Train and raise awareness among employees
• Adapt your organization and processes
• Conduct Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) for high-risk activities
• Review contracts, agreements, and terms and conditions
• And much more…

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