22 rue du Mont-Blanc CH-1201 Genève
Smartcockpit® exists because organizations often focus too much on obtaining detailed information and not enough on improving how decisions are made.
Our solution stands out with its “read and lead” approach. By offering a combined view from various perspectives (performance, risk, compliance, quality, and project), it provides a 360° overview of the organization’s health. Observing a situation is not enough; it is crucial to be able to make decisions, implement actions, and ensure they have a meaningful impact. To this end, Smartcockpit® covers the entire decision-making process in a simple and flexible manner.
Smartcockpit® provides a solution that gives decision-makers a 360° view of the health of the activities they manage. This view is presented through dashboards that display key information by domain, allowing everyone to focus on the essentials while promoting collaboration. These dashboards are preformatted and can then be customized according to each client’s specific context.
“Cutting through the noise”: Highlighting essential data and streamlining the decision-making process for each business.
Trust | Simplicity | Freedom
Fulfillment | Excellence
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